Friday, May 23, 2008

Delusion and hallucination

I downloaded 'Lars and the Real Girl' because its high ratings on Amazon. It's about Lars, portrayed by Ryan Gosling , who happens to be an extremely shy. He lives in his brother's garage and likes to do everything by himself. Anyways, he comes to his brother's house one day and introduces 'Bianca', who happens to be a life-sized doll.

His brother and sister-in-law freak out but decide to go along with it after talking to a doctor, who says that Lars has a delusion, which will only disappear when he no longer needs it. Soon, the whole town hears about 'Bianca' and everybody is eager to meet her and make her feel at home.

Overall, I really liked the film because it felt very real. I don't personally know anyone who may have a mental illness but I feel that I would do the same thing that Lars' town did for him for someone that I love.

Doctor: Well, her blood pressure's low...

If you want to see a drama, that shows how people do a lot of things for someone they love, watch Lars and the Real Girl. I personally recommend it.