Monday, August 07, 2006

I'd rather be green than be blue

One of the funniest videos! Animo La Salle! =)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Overworked and underpaid

When I look around the office, I find myself wondering why some of my co-supervisors are still sitting in front of their computers, when they should have gone home 2 or 3 hours earlier. The longest that I've stayed in the office after my shift...probably an hour. Am I such a slacker for leaving the office on time? Are these people doing this because they feel that they have to finish everything before they head home? Or perhaps a force of habit?

Most of the workers here in our country are overworked and underpaid. That's not surprising, considering the fact that we are in the Philippines and it is a third world country after all. Despite the bad things we often hear about this country, I have no desire of leaving it to pursue a better life in another country to earn those green bucks that many Filipinos are dreaming of. I love it here. This is my home.

This precisely why I refuse to stay in the office after hours. I do care for my agents but if I don't think about myself, who will? Definitely not my boss. I have to look out for myself somehow. I don't want to stay in the office for long hours and end up whining about it. When it's 4AM, that means my shift is over and I have to go home. After all, I'm not getting paid for extending. Come to think of it though, it is not about the money. I just feel like I deserve to go home when my job is done. Perhaps a supervisor's job is never over, but so is everyone else's. A doctor's job is never over because people will keep on getting sick. A lawyer's job is never over because there will always be conflict that need to resolved. A magtataho's job is never over because whatever he's earning will never be enough to sustain his family's needs. It's such a sad fact of life. If I had known that life as a grown-up would be this complicated, I would've stayed a kid like the little prince.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friendly friends

It's funny how you think you know someone realllllyyy well and then you find out some freaky stuff about that person which totally makes you think differently of that you don't know that person at all. Being the person that I am, too trusting, gullible...ok, I have what I call "moments", when I just can't seem to get anything that another person would say. Oo, slow ako.

I thank God that I still have close friends. (You guys are still there, aren't you?) They are not perfect, but who is?? But I love them dearly. They have been with me through my ups and downs. We don't talk or get to see each other as much. The thing is, we would always have so, so much to talk about by the time we meet up. Everyone has their own quirky personalities and it's funny. ^_^

Anyways, I don't have much friends. Perhaps because I've been in a relationship for the longest time and that fact does not really give me a lot of chance to mingle or get to know a lot people. Of course, officemates are exceptions. Although I don't have a gazillion friends, the chosen few that I have, I trust with my life. We don't exactly have an agenda when we got out, we usually meet up on a whim and out of nowhere but whenever we do, we talk about stuff. As in really talk. And you know what, most times, they make a lot of sense. I sometimes ask myself why I didn't think of what they were saying. It's always nice to get some sort of a wake-up call from your friends. I miss them a lot. Although we don't text, talk or see each other on a daily...wait, make that a weekly or monthly basis, I'm just glad to know that they're always there.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Random thoughts involving my future

I've been thinking a lot about what I would really want to do in my life. Oftentimes, I find myself wonder if there is something else that I should be doing. Work tends to get boring and as my boyfriend had pointed out yesterday, everything has become a routine in my life. Work, gym, sleep, work, gym, sleep.

My mom tells me that I'm like the jack of all trades, master of none. She says that because I graduated with a degree in Economics, which I had totally forgotten all about after working in a call center for almost three years. I was really into baking when I was in college. Due to my schedule though, I never have the time anymore. And, at one point, I was into makeup and thought to myself if I was meant to be a makeup artist. I realized quickly however, that I don't have the artist blood in me. I was nowhere near creative.

When I was in college, I thought about pursuing graduate studies, particularly Development Studies, which I took up as my minor course. Today, I looked at the curriculum and I find it boring. So what I'm deciding on is if I want to get an MBA. This one, I would really have to think about.

Requirements are to have a bachelor's degree, to pass the exam and interview, and to have at 3 years of work experience. I checked the flowchart and I realize, it's gonna take a while to get a MBA. You can't really compare it to an MA or MS. The maximum amount of time to finish the course is 5 years. 60 units for regular MBA and 63 units for MBA w/ major. Ack! It's pretty doable, but I have to consider that I would still have to keep my job as a supervisor. Hay... decisions... This something I should really think about first.